Troop 333 trains boys to become curious explorers, engaged citizens, and ethical leaders. Join us.

Outdoor Adventure
Outdoor adventure is the promise made to young people when they join Scouting.
For youth coming of age in the City, outdoor education and exploration provides a unique combination for reflection, discovery, fitness, and leadership unavailable anywhere else.
Eagle Scout Program
Eagle Scouts are rare. Nationwide only 6% of all Scouts attain this rank; but nearly half of Troop 333 Scouts ultimately achieve this honor. That’s not because we make it easy; it’s because we make it meaningful.
In addition to earning at least 21 merit badges, an Eagle Scout must demonstrate their adherence to the Scout Oath and Law, a commitment to service, and effective, equitable leadership. Eagle Scouts must also conceive, plan, organize, manage, and complete an extensive community service project.
Our program commits resources, guidance, and support to every Scout interested in pursuing this goal.
"I enjoy coming to the meetings every week. There are good, caring leaders and parents who want to support our journey to Eagle Scout. There is true brotherhood in Troop 333."
— Rory
Troop 333 graduate & Eagle Scout
Community Service
Scouting helps young people develop a deeper relationship to their community, nation, and world. Ultimately, it helps them develop a deeper relationship to themselves.
Troop 333 is an active community service partner. We offer monthly service opportunities through our unique gardening partnership with San Francisco Department of Recreation & Parks, as well as beach clean-ups, park improvements, summer camp maintenance, Eagle projects, and our annual food drive.