Scouting is 75% outing.

is 75% outing.

In the outdoors, Scouts have opportunities to acquire skills that build self-reliance and character.

They explore the wilderness while testing themselves in ways they may not have believed themselves capable. Scouts learn to work as a team to meet challenges posed by weather, terrain, and nature’s unexpected circumstances.

Nature is a Teacher

In the outdoors, Scouts have opportunities to acquire skills that build self-reliance and character.

They explore the wilderness while testing their skills in ways they may not have imagined themselves capable. Scouts learn to work as a team to meet challenges posed by weather, terrain, and nature’s unexpected circumstances.

Outdoor Adventure

Troop 333’s outdoor adventure program is based on three core principles—leadership, fitness, and accomplishment. Through regular hikes, backpacking trips, and campouts, Scouts teach, learn, and practice skills that will last them a lifetime:

Youth leadership, communication, and teamwork enable Scouts to set and achieve goals for their patrol, their troop, and themselves. Understanding our responsibility to each other is the foundation of good citizenship. 

Physical fitness is essential to meeting the demands of outdoor adventure. Our outings are designed to provide age- and ability-appropriate challenges that push Scouts physically and mentally so that they experience genuine accomplishment.

Learning by doing is a hallmark of outdoor education. With guidance from their Scoutmaster and other adult leaders, Scouts plan and lead outings from start to finish. A youth or adult leader may describe and demonstrate a skill at a weekly meeting, but the way Scouts truly learn outdoor skills is to do it themselves in the wild.

Outdoor Ethics

An important youth leadership position within our troop is the Outdoor Ethics Guide. The Outdoor Ethics Guide helps train and support Scouts as responsible outdoor citizens. We live up to our outdoor ethics by observing the Outdoor Code:

As an American, I will do my best to—

  • Be clean in my outdoor manners.

  • Be careful with fire.

  • Be considerate in the outdoors.

  • Be conservation-minded.

Troop 333 Scouts recite and discuss this code before every outdoor outing and make mindful choices to ensure we follow its principles. We are committed to the principles of Leave No Trace, the leading international organization for environmental science and conservation.

Outdoor Learning

Navigate with a Map & Compass

Start a Fire Without Matches

Search & Rescue

First Aid & CPR

Toast the Perfect Marshmallow

Wilderness Survival

Besides leadership, ethics, and an appreciation of the natural world, Scouts have the opportunity to learn a range of outdoor skills.

Pitch a Tent / Build A Shelter

Rock Climbing

Hiking, Backpacking, and Canoeing

Wildlife & Plant Identification

Archery & Marksmanship

Outdoor Cooking

Between every two pine trees is a doorway leading to a new way of life.

John Muir