Scouting for Food
Saturday, November 9, 9a–11a
Saturday, November 16, 9a–1pm
Bernal Heights
On Saturday, November 9 we will distribute flyers in the Bernal Heights and Diamond Heights neighborhoods, encouraging people to place food donations on their doorstep for pickup the following week. This shift will be from approximately 9:30am – 12:30pm. Scouts going on the Mt. Tam campout will depart for camp directly from this event. We will need two adults and 4–8 Scouts for each location. The more Scouts we have, the quicker it goes.
The following week, November 16 we will return to pick up donated food items. In addition, we will staff tables outside of Good Life Grocery (Bernal) and Safeway (Diamond Heights) to collect food donations from shoppers. We will need at least one driver to help Scouts collect food and two adults to accompany the table. Scouts will split their time between staffing the table and neighborhood pickup.
For those who are new to the troop, this is one of our most popular events of the year. Scouts from all over the City will be out collecting food for the SF Marin Food Bank. It makes a huge difference for those in need as we enter the holidays. The conversations we have with neighbors are always very rewarding and it’s great community visability for the troop.
We hope to see you there!