Troop 333 San Francisco

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National Parks Service

Sunday, September 15
Rancho Corral de Tierra

Troop 333 has special opportunity to work on a conservation project with the National Parks Service. For those who went on the 50-Miler, this is a requirement for the award. If you are Star rank, a minimum of three conservation-related service hours are required for Life. If you are anyone else, this is just a great way to spend some productive time outdoors and give back to a great organization.

All tools provided. We will be given the exact meeting location and details three days before the project.

Please sign up below as early as possible. The project is currently limited to 10 people.

Note: You will also be asked to fill out the same info again for the Parks Service (sorry!). It’s so they can plan our project and ensure the right equipment.


There are two additional forms that need to be completed for this event.

NPS Registration Form

Volunteer Agreement Form

Please complete both ASAP. Bring a hard copy of your signed Volunteer agreement form with you on Sunday.