This page is just used to create the blocks on the court of honor blog post.
This page is just used to create the blocks on the court of honor blog post.
This page is kind of a hack to get around the layout limitations on Squarespace blogs.
These six posts are imported onto the “Court of Honor” blog post page so they can appear as equal sized, responsive blocks.
One Month Out
Finish up any rank or badge requirements you have left and get them signed off by your merit badge counselor, a senior Scout, or an adult leader.
Three Weeks Out
Request a Scoutmaster conference and sign up for a board of review to complete your rank advancement. Confirm all MB completions with the Advancement Chair.
Two Weeks Out
Have your board of review. A board of review is a conversation not a test—don’t be nervous! Wear your full uniform. Prepare by thinking about what’s next for you in Scouting.
One Week Out
Have your board of review, if you haven’t already. Practice the ceremony at the troop meeting. If you are missing any part of your uniform, order it now.
The Morning of the Event
Lay out your full uniform neatly before you leave for school. This will save you from looking frantically for a missing part of it at the last minute.
The Evening of the Event
Press your uniform if it needs it. Comb your hair. Shave if you need to. Get your homework done so you can arrive at least 15 minutes early to the meeting.